A series of smaller posts
There are few things I have wanted to say but haven’t really worked their way up the priority list. Maybe I should list some of them here and if people are particularly keen, they can contact me and affect the order I discuss them, otherwise I’ll just write them however is convenient. Some of these are just all the same but I think alot of it comes under if I have to explain it, you will never understand.
What is our attitude towards HSC English or School English?
What is our educational philosophy?
What is our attitude towards HSC Maths or “school maths”?
Reaction to 2025 AMO.
The Education Business.
US uni applications portfolio.
What is our attitude toward “Olympiad maths”
Educational value of Basketball.
Student accepted into Cambridge
Youtube is kinda trash
Primary school maths
News for our school
Some of these don’t originate from a blog post but I had to put it here for my own sanity.